Joining Freemasonry and
Becoming a Mason

We welcome men who, in their lives, seek integrity and honor, who are of respectable reputation, provide for their families and their future, and have a believe in something greater than themselves in this universe.

Our Values and Vision

Man Know Thyself

A maxim in ancient Greece has echoes in modern ceremonial Freemasonry and implies the importance of learning about self, for by becoming a more enlightened and principled individual it is most probable that a person will in turn be a contributing citizen to their society.

Financial Consideration

Fees can vary from Lodge to Lodge. Lodge fees are levied according to the following disbursements: Grand Lodge Assessment, Building Assessments (covering the costs of the Lodge’s building costs), and the Lodge Assessment (covering the operating expenses for the Lodge itself). Generally the fees are approximately $200 to $300 per year

The Process Of Application and Acceptance

After you contact us you will be given a “Letter of Information” which you need to sign. Once signed the Secretary will send you an application form or “Petition,” which needs to be completed by you and signed by two members of the Lodge. If you are interested in becoming a member of Saskatchewan Lodge, and you don’t know any of the members of our Lodge, two members will be appointed.

Once the petition is presented in open Lodge, the Worshipful Master calls an “Investigation Committee” consisting of two or three members who will arrange to meet with you. Though called an “Investigation Committee,” this is really an informal get-together that allows you and your significant other to ask questions about the fraternity, and assure the Lodge that you are eligible to join and haven’t been invited or coerced to join. (They’ll make sure that you’re over the age of 21, ask if you believe in a Supreme Being, ask if you’re economically solvent, and find out why you want to join a Lodge.) It’s an opportunity for you to meet a few more members of our Lodge, and ask some questions. Typically this meeting is held in your home at a time that is convenient for all concerned.

The next step is for the “Investigating Committee” to report their findings at the next Lodge meeting. In response to a positive report, a ballot is held at the same meeting. Given a positive ballot, the Master asks the Secretary to advise you of the same, and ask you to present yourself at the Lodge at a particular date and time.

The Initiation

This date / time is at the call of the Worshipful Master and will be the date of your initiation into the fraternity, and into Saskatchewan Lodge, in particular. A member of Saskatchewan Lodge will contact you before your initiation to prepare you for it.

How Long Will it Take?

Our Lodge can do one degree every month. A candidate can complete the three degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason) in six or three months respectively but it is common for candidates to take their time and complete the degrees on their schedule.

Get in Touch!

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, want to learn more about Freemasonry, or are ready to join our family, we’re here for you. Reach out today and take the first step towards a rewarding journey with us. Your adventure awaits—let’s connect and grow together!